Nopal Cactus (Prickly Pear) Contains Manganese (Mn)

(*) See References and Disclaimer at the bottom of the page.

Nopal cactus (prickly pear) contains manganese. There are about 20 milligrams of manganese in the human body, and most of it is concentrated in the kidneys, liver, bone, and pancreas(1*), (2*).

Manganese plays the role of a co-factor and catalyst in a number of enzymatic processes that are part of cholesterol and fatty acid synthesis(3*). Manganese is used in the synthesis of mucopolysaccharides (complex polysaccharides); an essential component of the body's cartilage and skeletal structure matrix(4*)It is responsible for managing the conversion of arginine to urea within the body and plays a key role in the glucose conversion of non-carbohydrates(5*) and may help in the formation of connective tissues that provide relief for arthritis sufferers(6*). Manganese is also effective in decreasing overall blood sugar levels as well as increasing the glycogen level in the liver that may aid in the maintenance of diabetes(7*), (8*).

Manganese supplements help manage different types of schizophrenic disorders(9*)and may assist in the excretion of copper in individuals with high copper levels(10*).


Manganese Sources

Beef, Veal Liver, Asparagus, Avocado, Carrots, Cauliflower, Green Peas, Green Leafy Vegetable, and Nopal Cactus (Prickly Pear) from Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Nopal Powder Capsules (Prickly Pear).

     Source References
(1) Wikipedia: Manganese
(2) Wikipedia: Manganese Deficiency
(3) WebMD: Manganese Deficiency
(4) Organics Facts: Manganese
(5) Mayo Clinic: Manganese Supplement (Oral Route, Parenteral Route)
(6) Oregon State University Linus Pauling Institute: Manganese
(7) MedScape: Some Manganese Supplements May Exceed Safe Intake Levels
(8) Manganese Supplement (Oral Route, Parenteral Route)

(9) Manganese
(10) MedLine Plus: Manganese